Friday night we went out with the Jacksons to kickoff our fall season. Two years ago we couldn't have fit in more Halloween and fall fun. Last year we failed miserably so this year we're trying to recreate the insanely fun fall season we had before.
First stop -
Markoff's. It's by far one of our favorites so why not make it our first event? Go big or go home! Andi is a champ of a 10 year old, so she joined us too. Stopped for dinner before hitting the trail and I had another "so proud of Julie" moments. Only once before has it been a moment involving food - ie -
last Thanksgiving when she had seconds which is unheard of! So we sit down for dinner and she orders one of my favorite and her absolute least favorite - a juicy burger! What?! Oh yeah, it's because they're about to become the JACKSON 5 and has a little one in her tummy telling her what's up and what to eat. So excited!!!
We made the late drive to Markoff's and end being one of the last groups to go through, just like 2 years ago. It felt a little strange because it was 85 degrees earlier that day and only dropped to the 60s by the time we hit the trail. Typically it's FREEZING, so this was nice but also bizarre because we're used to the fall chill when we enjoy our fall fun. It didn't sway us away from loving the bonfire... but we only stood by it for 5 minutes before burning up :)

So Markoff's is a haunted forest and while you wait for your group number to be called (they only let small groups through at a time to make the best of it) you can enjoy a plethora of activities - bonfire, zip line, hay rides, face painting, death drop, etc. The trail takes you up and down hills in the forest lit by only candles, over small and narrow bridges, and through haunted little huts. This year we were disappointed by the haunts in the huts. Most of them were empty and weren't utilized well. Oh well, still fun and definitely got some yelps from our group (ok, I screamed and jumped a lot, I always do).
Nearing the end I knew what was going to happen - chainsaw man, my worst nightmare. I seriously have a phobia. But it's ok, I've done this trail before, I know he's at the very end just when you think you're in the clear and all of a sudden RIIINNNGGG and there's plenty of room for me to book it straight out of there without looking back. I got this. What happened next is still very fuzzy. I may have forgotten some details, mixed them up, but this is all I remember...
So it's quiet walking up to the last section. I notice there are stairs and little walkways caged in that weren't there two years ago. Hmmm. Kept walking and all of a sudden - chainsaw revs up directly behind us. I ran straight up those stairs faster than I've ever run up stairs in my life but notice someone is clawing at me and grabbing for my hand and help up the stairs. I realized in my panic I was probably kicking whoever it was so I turn around and it was poor Andi trying to run up the stairs but kept falling. So I grabbed her arm, pulled her up and we finally got to the top. Heart pounding I stood frozen at the top of the stairs trying to catch my breath.
Then the unthinkable happened. Attack of what I counted as three chainsaw men!!!! One above my head swinging the stinkin thing at my face (how he got there I have no idea). One behind me somewhere. And then one that literally hit my feet with the chainsaw (sans chain otherwise I would have no feet). Flight and fight reaction happened all together at once. I stomped on the chainsaw below me, screamed like no other and ran like my life depended on it.
At the end of the walkway thing (yes, that's the best description I can give it) you had to turn left and there was #4 chainsaw man. I almost didn't see him in my panic and he revved it up inches from my face. That was it. I was done. I don't remember much after that besides luckily I kept running, pretty sure there was a 5th chainsaw man and then it was quiet and hard to see.
Nate's cracking up, I'm surprised I hadn't peed my pants yet, and we have no idea where the Jacksons are. I honestly was having trouble breathing and was shaking head to toe. We went into this tunnel thing then a voice tells us we had to turn around. WTH?!?! Nate was all "look around, this is so cool" and I freaked out and yelled "get me out of here!"
We get to the end and there was the 6th chainsaw man to chase us out. The Jacksons were ahead of us so he went after them and I quickly tried to find another way out. Wasn't one. But he got a good scare out of them and only swung it at me once or twice.
I honestly have never felt my heart skip a beat and I'm pretty sure it did. I couldn't talk. I could barely breathe and I had to mentally get a grip because I was moments away from what felt like a heart attack. I know, I'm a big baby, but I cannot handle the chainsaws!
The rest of the weekend was a lot calmer :) Saturday we had a bbq with our neighbors and their boys who are the most energetic things I've seen. We sat there enjoying our wine and could tell the boys needed an energy outlet. So Nate says how about running up and down the stairs. Should wear them out right? 50 trips later we had to tell them to stop because we were worried they were going to pass out.
Waking up this morning we found our house cooled down to 65 degrees. Temperature dropped drastically over night. Yay! I love fall weather. So we got the coffee, cinnamon rolls, candles lit and enjoyed a lazy morning cozied up on the couch. Heaven if you ask me!