Sunday, February 9, 2014

Maternity Wear at the Office

As I shared before, I've had it pretty easy so far so not too much was difficult in my daily routine (besides trying to get enough sleep and stay awake). Biggest challenge and this may seem petty but I'm really pleased it has been my only big challenge - what the heck do I wear to work?

We have a strict dress code at work which I've always enjoyed. I like suits, skirt suits, business dresses, and pumps. I'll admit it - they give a sense of confidence. I feel put together, smart, fancy and powerful in my best business attire. Sadly none of those are that comfortable though with a growing belly. I tried to stay in regular clothes as long as possible and to some degree still do. But by week 9 I was wearing belly bands, unable to button any of my pants. A few weeks later the belly band just couldn't make it work. It was time.

Maternity shopping for work was zero fun for me. Everything looked boring, frumpy, and all the same. Now if money grew on trees it would be a different story but I'm not trying to take out another mortgage just to get maternity wear for work. Affordable options just really felt like they were lacking pizazz, personality and professionalism that I'm used to. If they can make affordable options for regular work clothes why can't they do the same for maternity wear? It just doesn't make sense to me. To move this rant along, I became determined to make it work without breaking the bank. 

It started with one heavenly pair of slacks ... that I wore for nearly two weeks straight. Now that part I hated, it ate me up that every morning I was putting on the same pair of pants. But I just hadn't found anything else that I liked yet and they felt like sweat pants to me so I said screw it and put them on every morning anyway. I tried my best to mix up the tops, blazers and accessories to hopefully disguise the fact that I was wearing the same stinkin pants everyday. 

I was so thrilled when my team at work said they didn't even notice after I felt it was necessary to finally confess - and trust, they're brutally honest people. So I had made it work! And the best part? Every top and jacket that I wore were all my regular clothes. That meant so far, this steal of a deal at Motherhood Maternity on the sale rack for $29.99 had really been all I needed for weeks! I was pumped!

But, alas, I had admitted my one pant wonder which meant my team was taking notice and at that point was truly tired of just one option. Not to mention I am growing and soon will start to stretch out my regular tops so I've started to hunt for more. The dresses all have decent options yet that would require me to wear tights since it's winter and although I purchased a few maternity pair they still were anything but comfortable on the stretched belly. As soon as the weather breaks, I will be living in dresses, can't wait! I've scored the best at ASOS Maternity and Ann Taylor Loft Maternity (when they have their big sales and markdowns). They've been my favorite so far for the "normal work attire" options I've been looking for.
I am very happy for the lesson I stumbled upon - I can make this work and I can look fab at work and not pay a fortune. Needless to say I became addicted and am now enjoying putting together my new work wardrobe (slowly and sensibly)!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Biggest Pregnancy Fear

We'll skip the obvious pregnancy fears. Some say the more you talk about them the less scary they get. The more you learn the less you'll be afraid. Maybe, maybe not. I think we all know the major fears and no need to be over dramatic by talking about them - yes a watermelon through a lemon is complicated and scary but it is what it is so let's move on.

Aside from the obvious, my biggest fear is that my belly button is going to pop out. No, I'm serious. If it does I truly feel I will crumble. For those of you who don't know, I have an extreme paranoia of belly buttons. And for those my entire life who told me I was crazy, I'm not the only one - the phobia is a "real" thing. Read about it here.

My fear stems from mine hurting intensely if it's touched. If it's poked hard enough I will puke, no joke. If something gets in there and I have to get it out, trust me not only is it a very stressful and traumatizing moment for me, but also very painful and it gets very red and swollen. So if it were to pop out,  it will be vulnerable to getting touched all day every day and I cannot even imagine how painful that would be for me. Doctors have all told me it's more than likely some nerve damage and wished me luck since there's nothing that can be done. Great.

I've been warned, by everyone so please don't feel the need to remind me, that it's very likely it will happen. Everyday I look at it and sure enough it's getting stretched out more and the inside is getting closer and closer to the surface. It also slightly throbs every few days which I attribute to the stretching. Then there's the issue of kicking by ninja Baby Bailey. I just know she's going to kick it square in the middle and I have no idea how it will feel since it's never happened before but I'm guessing not good at all.

So here's hoping it stays put and if it must pop that it actually cures my issue by some strange miracle. I've lived with it all my life now so it would be good to have it magically go away!