Thursday, October 11, 2012

Election Season - Laugh a Little!

Ok, before anyone gets offended - this post is all in good fun. If you're easily offended by curse words, political jokes, and just about anything else don't read any further.

Tonight during a skype date with my MOH she asked me if I had seen the "bad lip reading" videos on youtube. Curious, I looked them up and just so happened the first one that came up was the one on Romney.

Now before you get all offended, calm down, it's nothing against Romney. I just didn't want to post the Obama one because it wasn't as clever or funny and was a little dirtier, but check all of them out, they're pretty funny. And much to my MOH's delight, there's even one of Twilight!

*side note - they all start with some commercial against the person who the video is about. Click on the Obama one and you'll have a commercial against Obama, click on a Romney one you'll have one against Romney.

Click here to watch

I couldn't stop giggling. Yes, instead of watching the VP debate, I watched this. Call it what you may, but I bet I laughed and had a better time than I would have glued to the debate and the onslaught of online assaults to both parties. Sometimes in the most tense moments you need a giggle :)

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