Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Election Night!

Let the waiting begin....

Votes are in (East coast) and there's nothing we can do about it now. Stressful and anxious time for sure. I can't help but also dread the response regardless of which candidate is elected.

I know it's politics and I appreciate everyone's passion but whatever happened to respect? I'm really disappointed in some responses to the debates and topics leading up to tonight. It's my feeling that social media has created an oulet that encourages more passive agressive communication. I would say everything I say online in person, and sadly I don't think that's true for a lot of people. But that's a whole different topic... let me focus...

Why can't we say things like "this is why I'm supporting ____". Why can't we leave the petty/hypocritical slaps to the radio and tv ads? Why can't we remember that we may have relationships with those who don't agree with our chocies? And why can't we understand we're bound to have a more effective influence by sharing knowledge and our own point of view rather than screaming like a child that the other candidate is an idiot?

At this point though there is literally nothing we can do. Votes are being casted, counted and will soon be announced. Not to make the topic sound of small importance - that's definitely not what I think or am trying to say - but if your candidate doesn't get elected, move forward and don't stomp your feet like a two year old. Again, I know this is serious, but you will get no where by screaming and offending others. Use it to become stronger in your beliefs, passions, and spreading knowledge for what you feel is right.

I'm a firm believer that we can support a topic, a debate, a presidential candidate and any other issue without sacraficing class and respect for others. I know, I know, wishful thinking that we could all get along. So here's hoping we can all remember a basic rule of thumb - if you don't have anything nice to say, you shouldn't say anything at all! 

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