Monday, February 11, 2013


Sorta forgot to share life stories on the blog. Again. Oh well, there was plenty missed but I don't have the energy to try to back track or catch up so we'll just move forward.

Kellyn and Shauncey have been staying with us while Mom's still out in CA. It's been a little rough waking up early to get Kellyn off to metro - poor guy has to commute an hour each way to school :( But it also feels good to fit in workouts/runs, laundry, dishes, packing my lunch and actually being able to sit down and enjoy breakfast and coffee all before getting ready for work. I *might* miss it. We'll definitely miss having them around, it's been fun hanging out with them - sorry Kellyn I cannot juggle!

Kellyn has started his own business selling pop ("sodas" for you East coasters) at school. We take him to Safeway where he can buy the cans for about 25 cents per can and is selling them for a $1 each. I wake him up early so he has enough time to pack up two backpacks full of ice packs - yes he serves them cold. Here he is in his "office", aka corner of our kitchen, taking inventory. It's a whole system and while at first I was afraid he'd be breaking rules and could get in trouble at school, I'm proud of his little entrepreneur side.

Wedding planning is in full swing as we finish all the fun details. I'm so excited but many things are a surprise so I can't share yet. I'm trying to focus on not wishing it to be here so quickly. I hear the time goes by and often times you can even miss the planning process when it's all done so we're trying to soak it all in.

We've gotten back into juicing which feels great. There's something refreshing about it and makes you feel energized. It's now a part of our daily routine.
Sadly I have decided to bow out of my second half marathon in March. I let too many things get in the way and become a bigger priority. I'm disappointed in myself for not seeing it through but maybe I was pushing things by signing up in the first place. It was a relief when I mentioned it to Aly and Angela who were going to run with me and they both "Oh thank God!" Clearly I'm not the only one overwhelmed right now :) I'm now enjoying fun runs and am very happy to not have the pressure of the half on my shoulders - we have enough going on!

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