Saturday, January 18, 2014

Being Preggo So Far

So how do I feel? Different, but great. I almost feel like I've had it "too easy" so far and that it could all come back to bite me later. Here's what's changed:

Some of the first symptoms, and continue to be the strongest now, were fatigue and burping. Yep, louder than I ever thought possible belches. I've surprised myself and brought utter horror to Nate's face. There were days that I came home thinking I had to have mono for how unexplainably tired I was. Next came headaches. Headaches that would put me under the covers wanting no light or sound to be near me.

After that, certain things that I LOVE didn't sound good anymore - like wine and coffee. My two most favorite beverages in the whole wide world. Wine actually made me really sick early on when I had no idea yet that we were pregnant. There were two back to back Fridays that I had gone out to happy hour. After each I would wake up between 3am and 4am and have severe stomach pains and feel really sick. After the second one I tried to figure out what it could be. The only things the two happy hours had in common were chicken wings and red wine. No way it's the wine I thought. Just couldn't be. Probably those chicken wings. So that Saturday night I had two glasses of wine with dinner and sure enough, 3:45am I was wide awake with the same pains. What in the world, how could wine all of a sudden be doing that to me?! ...oh... uhoh... maybe? nah, just a weird coincidence I thought. The next week coffee didn't taste good or even sound appealing and the more I tried, the same with wine.

Then all of a sudden I could really smell things. I haven't had a good sniffer in about 8 years. I'll never forget one night I was sitting on one side of the couch and Nate came and sat down on the complete opposite. Immediately I could smell licorice - a smell I haven't smelled in years. I excitedly asked him if he had licorice in his mouth. He, of course thinking I was trying to bust him for eating sweets so late, denied it. But I knew it and told him I could smell it. Even he was surprised I could smell it, I've never really been able to.

Next came the uncontrollable hunger. You could sum up my pregnancy so far by calling it Hunger Games. I can eat, and eat and eat. And yes that has reflected in my expanding waistband. My overall cravings are carbs but an odd one at first were tomato juice. I had to have it all the time. But now I can't stand it, strange I know. The only other random one has been bean burritos from Taco Bell (no onions, add sour cream). I could eat those breakfast lunch and dinner if I let myself.

I've made it through so far without anything I would consider morning sickness. I get sick if I let my stomach get too empty. I think I've narrowed it down to every 2-3 hours I need to snack on something otherwise I will start to feel like I'll get sick. There's even been nights I've woken up starving. I'll disappear to the kitchen quick, sneak back in bed and Nate sleepily asks why I smell like peanut butter. My motion sickness has spiked so car rides are often rough.

I know I have it really easy and I feel very lucky. It is not lost on me how much worse others have it and I'm extremely grateful. Right now my focus is rest, eating right, and trying to exercise even though I'm utterly exhausted.

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