Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Nursery Decor/Struggles/Fun

Poor Nate. He got his "office" taken away from him in preparation for it to be transformed into the nursery. Watching him move his desk down to the basement was a little sad. Ok, I'm completely fibbing. It was entertaining - not to him, he truly was sad but I couldn't help but giggle at his "woe is me" show. The room was being used mostly for storage, not some amazing in-home office. Also, his desk was being moved to the basement which is his man cave anyway. Its new location is literally right next to the big Sparty fathead, what more could he ask for?

I've never been all that great at coming up with a vision for room decor and being able to fully pull it together, but I'm sure trying with this little girl's room. I wanted it to be soft, crystals and pearls, peachy pink and white with maybe some gray. Sounds like a mess huh? Yeah, I think so too but somehow I'm still going for it. Got the paint up - we did one wall where the crib is and a thick stripe across the room to bring the color through the room without overwhelming it. Definitely don't want that look of pink just threw up all over this room!

This past weekend we (mostly Nate) spent putting the crib and glider together. Not a fun task for him but it was so exciting to see it start to come together! Biggest challenge is this room is absolutely tiny, which would be ok except that we have a huge cabinet/hutch that is massive. It's a great piece of furniture, provides awesome storage and is the perfect height to be the changing table. But it is a giant and probably weighs 1,000 pounds. We don't have anywhere else to put it so it's either make it work or get rid of it. We decided to try and make it work and came up with this arrangement:

It's the best for not overpowering the room or becoming the focal point of the room which as a mismatched piece I really didn't want. It's a bummer that it goes past the window a bit though. Probably won't end up being that big of a deal later but right now it's throwing my slight OCD for quite the loop. I just want to cut the thing down by a few inches and would feel so much better. But it literally can't fit better any other way - and yes, I made Nate try lots of different spots. It's a wonder he didn't throw out his back with all this fun activity :)

Here's the crib:

And her new fancy lamp came in:

I'll try and retake more visible photos next time once the room is done :) But with just a few things left to get for the room and some decor projects, it's pretty much all set. So strange and exciting to think we have a little nursery in our house now!!

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