Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Guilt Trip?

I'm not sure why this happens, but I feel nothing but anxiety when I have weekdays off. Everyone else is at work and I'm at home with the biggest goal being to relax... shouldn't that be fun?! Conceptually, yes. Reality for me says no. Here's how this morning went;

Nate's alarm went off 7:45am - "I should get up and get going. No, it's my day off, I should sleep in. Hmmm, ok."

9:05am - "Ok lazy, get out of bed and get going. No, I need to relax. Ok, I'll read in bed."

9:55am - "Rats, when did I fall back asleep?! I am so behind, must get up and get going" Laundry is started, kitchen cleaned, breakfast done, checked in at work & sent some emails, and just finished up some yoga moves. Decided to wait until this afternoon to go for my run when it should warm up a little and I can be outside.

Now I sit here, at 11:30am still not able to relax. All I can think about is errands that I could get done and more cleaning I should do. If I wait until later or even this weekend, Nate could help which would cut the time in half, so that would be more efficient use of time. So now we're back to me just hanging out and relaxing.

I just can't do it. I feel like everyone else is working and I'm being lazy. I'm not sure if it's a big guilt trip I put on myself or what, but I think I'm a little crazy. If today were Saturday or Sunday, forget about it. I could sit on the couch in my sweats all day without a care in the world. But that's because nearly everyone else is too.

Does this make sense to anyone? Ugh... off to start the errands...

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