Sunday, January 29, 2012

Wasn't a Total Flop

One For the Money was ok but could have been great. Heigel didn't do a great job but not as bad as I expected. She wasn't able to take on the full Stephanie character which was clearly key for this movie to have worked. Nate didn't have a miserable time and was at least entertained (probably because of the guns and explosions).

For those who have read the books - 

Morelli was a little cheesy to me in the movie. He just seemed to be a little over-the-top Morelli. Still cute. No chemistry between Morelli and Stephanie - big miss.

Ranger was dead-on with the hotness factor but definitely not as tough as he was in the book. He seemed softer than the books. Kind of a disappointment. Then again, if I remember correctly, he didn't have a big presence in the first book so maybe his mysteriousness came in later.

Lula's near-death scene was the one of the only big changes they did from the book. I think what was in the book added so much suspense and explained the future bond between Stephanie and Lula. So I was disappointed to see the movie take the easy road out on that one.

Other than that (and small things at the end), they stuck pretty close to the book. But that made it come off as slow to me. I think they should've thought about maybe combining the first couple books. That way the characters would've been more developed and they could've skipped some details to speed things up and include more of the crazy, hilarious stories. 

Here are some of the first reviews coming in - not too pretty!

Rotten Tomatoes

My recommendation? Skip the movie, read the books!

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