Monday, February 6, 2012

I miss her

My baby niece, Alaina, is growing up so quickly. She's so close to walking and is signing small things like baba, more, etc. It breaks my heart that I live so far away and have to get re-acquainted with her each time I see her. But I guess that will go away as she grows up and can remember me. And then we can have phone conversations that don't include slober and grunting noises on her end. Those are the moments I hold near and dear to my heart for now though.

Brenden (my brother for those of you who don't know) said the other night while I was talking to her on the phone, she started hugging and cuddling the phone. I'd like to think it was because she knew it was me, but more than likely it was because I was singing to her and she thought it was a toy.

Brenden has been sending me some of her adventures of eating and I'm so proud she loves peas. Nate cringes at the word, so we don't have them in our house unless he's away on business. When I was a baby I guess I was obsessed with peas, mostly enjoying being able to pop them. Strange kid, I know.

So Brenden thought it only appropriate to send me a picture of her lovin on some peas.

And then came the other night when she refused to let him spoon feed her and insisted on doing it herself, which she clearly got a big kick out of...
She's such a happy baby and her smile and giggle kills me everytime. Nothing is more precious!

Two of my cousins have new babies too and I am so very sad I'm far away from all of them. I also have two girlfriends back home with babies on the way. Breaks my heart that I'm not there to share all these moments with them.

I guess that's part of moving away from home and everything and everyone you know. A big sacrafice, that's for sure and some days you miss them all so much you consider the possibility of moving back home. But I love our life in DC and what brought me here makes it hard to consider going back. It's all just another reminder that you can't have it all in life. Sucks. Who created that rule anyway??

Does anyone else have family far away that they miss terribly? How do you cope?


  1. Skype! The girls Skype their grandparents once a week. They read books together and sing songs. It is super cute!

  2. Aw, that's really precious!

    I'll definitely have to try to make that work, I'm sure it helps a ton :)
