Sunday, February 19, 2012

To The Nines

This week I decided to switch up my long run from Sunday to Saturday. The forecast was calling for mid-50s and lots of sun yesterday as opposed to today dropping into the 30s with possible snow. I did not want a repeat of last week's run, so running Saturday became the new plan.

I'm so thankful I did, it was gorgeous out! Nate threw his bike in the backseat and we drove out to the Mt. Vernon trail. Angela suggested we park at the Belle Haven Marina and run right, towards Mt. Vernon to avoid heavier congestion in Old Town. Thanks Angela for the suggestion - it was great!

There were a few small hills to make it challenging, as if a goal of running 9 miles wasn't challenging enough! But with Nate riding his bike next to me yelling "I'm King of the Hill!" at every hill, it encouraged me to keep going, laughing the whole way.

Yesterday I was reminded of how much I don't like certain cyclist. The bells. They drive me crazy. If you're passing me, clearly I'm on the right lane. All you need to say is "on your left" which tells me you're passing me on the left. Ringing a bell startles me and tells me nothing besides you feel the need to ding a bell, invading my otherwise peaceful run.

I also don't appreciate the cyclists without patience. You do not own the trails. So when you want to pass me but there's someone coming in the opposite direction it is not my fault. Please slow down and wait for the chance to pass me safely, just like with driving. You do not have the right to almost hit me because you're trying to squeeze in between me and someone coming head-on. Trust me, if you hit me you will have a much bigger interruption of your ride than just slowing down to wait for a safe chance to pass me. Fyi.

Other than the cyclist issue, it was a really good run. The trail is beautiful as it follows along the Potomac.  There were so many people out running, walking (and the respectful cyclists) that there was this shared enjoyment of being outdoors mid-February in 55 degree weather. Smiles everywhere, it was great!

My legs felt like lead at the end, but less pain in my left foot than I expected. The night before I was explaining to our friend Jonathan this pesky pain that's been happening at the top of my left foot, opposite the ball of my foot. He said to be careful because it could be a stress fracture. Um, no. I refuse. Magically it pretty much went away yesterday. Power of the mind :) We're going to stick with an inflammation explanation.

Lots of stretching immediately after felt great. Then we were off to get food asap. I have learned that I have about 20 minutes after a run to get food ... or else  >:o 

My calves still hate me today, but I need to remember no Zumba the night before a long run - not smart!  

I've also learned that food shortly after is not where it stops. I ate a serious dinner and couldn't get enough popcorn later at the movies. Safe House by the way is  a great movie.

Bonus Points - anyone who can help me get rid of that stinkin blue box above my header wins extra bonus points with me. I have tried everything and cannot get it to leave! 

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